Round The Twist.

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Last night I rediscovered the art of curling my hair with GHD straighteners – a task I got extremely addicted to (and speedy at!) back in my college days…

..So I sat in front of the mirror with my grown-out-mid-length bob & fading bangs and decided to take on the challenge to twizzle & tousle my hair.
– It took a lot longer than I remembered and a while to get used to, but by the end I was getting quicker and the curls were getting better!
I slept on it…the effect the next day was perfect! Tousled loose curls around the front with waves throughout.
I will definitely be repeating this look!

I may invest in a big barrel curler when my hair has grown more, so I can attempt to steal Rosie H-W’s incredible hair! 20130124-085417 PM.jpg